Secure your P.A. or CPC from the LTFRB, then proceed with the online registration in toktokgo.

  • Set Appointment Date in LTFRB thru:
    • LTFRB Trunkline 8529-7111
  • Bring the following:
    • 4 copies of Notarized Verified Application
    • Proof of Filipino Citizenship
    • Philippine government-issued ID
    • OR/CR
    • Operator’s Data Sheet
    • Personal Appearance of the Applicant
    • Payment for TNVS application Fees
  • Get your Case Number
  • Secure your P.A.
  • Attend your CPC Notice of Hearing
  • Secure your CPC

  • Professional Driver’s License
  • NBI Clearance
  • OR/CR
  • Drug Test (optional)
  • Conduction Sticker
  • Authorization Letter from the Vehicle Owner (if you are not the owner of the vehicle)
  • Deed of Sale (optional)
  • Acrylic Safety Barrier (depends on the Alert Level Status announced by DOH and/or LGU)
  • Comprehensive Insurance
  • LTFRB issued Requirements (any of the following):
    • Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC)
    • Provisional Authority (PA)
    • Provisional Authority - TAS
  • Android Smartphones (with Google Services)

  • Online Registration
  • Approval
  • Pre-boarding
  • Virtual Orientation

  1. Who is eligible for the special discounts?
    • Senior Citizens: Individuals aged 60 years and above with a valid Senior Citizen ID.
    • Persons with Disabilities (PWDs): Individuals who hold a valid PWD ID issued by the government.
    • Students: Individuals enrolled in any recognized educational institution with a valid Student ID.
  2. What is the discount amount?
    • Eligible senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and students are entitled to a 20% discount on the fare
  3. How do I avail of the discount?
    To avail of the discount:
    • Present your valid Senior Citizen ID, PWD ID, or Student ID at the time of booking or during the ride.
    • For TNVS rides, the discount will be automatically applied if your eligibility is verified through the system.
    • You may submit a registration form to verify your eligibility.
  4. Can I transfer my discount to someone else?
    • No, the discount is non-transferable. Only the eligible individual (senior citizen, student, or PWD) can avail of the discount and must be present during the ride. The discount cannot be used by someone else in your place.
  5. What if I forget to bring my ID?
    • If you forget to bring your Senior Citizen ID, PWD ID, or Student ID, you will not be able to avail of the discount for that ride. We recommend keeping your ID with you for every trip to ensure you can use the discount.
  6. Do I need to register to avail of the discount?
    Yes, you are required to register through a form, please follow the instructions provided by the service provider to complete the registration process.
  7. What if I am not traveling but someone else is using my ID?
    • Discounts are only available to the eligible individual who is traveling. It is illegal and against the policy for someone else to use your ID to claim the discount on your behalf if you are not present during the trip.
  8. Are there any exceptions or restrictions to the discount?
    • The discount is generally applicable to standard fares and may not apply to additional charges like toll fees, special services, or promotional fares.
  9. How do I register for the discount if I am a senior citizen, student, or PWD?
    To register for the discount, you may need to fill out a registration form provided the link below.
  10. How can I check if my discount has been applied correctly?
    • The system will automatically apply the discount to your fare if your eligibility is verified. You will see the 20% discount reflected in the fare breakdown at the time of payment or when the trip ends. If you notice any discrepancies, you can contact customer service for clarification.
  11. What should I do if I encounter issues with applying the discount?
    • If you face any problems or have questions about applying the discount, please contact the customer support team of the transport service provider. They will assist you in resolving any issues and ensure that you receive the discount you're entitled to.